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Spirit Coaching Package

Spirit Coaching Package

$350 $330 5 % $20 SAVE
Embark on a transformative journey with our Spirit Coaching Package, designed to guide you through your personal and spiritual growth. This package includes four 30-minute sessions, one per week, tailored to address specific issues or to help you tap into your innate healing abilities as a lightworker.

During these sessions, you’ll receive insights from Spirit, your Guides, or Loved Ones in Spirit, offering you a fresh perspective, direction, and support. Clients often report feeling uplifted and empowered with a clearer sense of purpose and courage to move forward on their life path.

As a Grief Recovery Specialist and Hospice Bereavement volunteer, I have a special interest in helping individuals navigate through their grief and heal, allowing them to embrace life with joy once again. I believe that every type of loss holds a gift, waiting to be discovered when we are ready to receive it.

In addition to Spirit Coaching, I offer Mediumship Readings, where I connect with your loved ones who have passed over, providing messages that offer healing and closure. Through Spirit Readings, I tap into your energy and connect with your spirit guides, guardian angels, or higher self to provide guidance and support.

For those seeking bereavement support, I offer one-on-one sessions using the tools of the Grief Recovery Method (GRM) to help you navigate through the pain of grief and uncover the gifts it holds for you.

Dream Readings are also available, where we explore the messages within your dreams using Robert Moss’ Lightning Dream Work Technique, with the added support and insight from Spirit.

To schedule your sessions or for further inquiries, please contact me at 831-298-0620 or email me at carmelmedium[@] Let’s embark on this transformative journey together!
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